Your marketing starts with your story.
Richard Branson said entrepreneurs in the 21st century have to be storytellers.
I would add, “But they have to tell the right stories.”
Strategic Storytelling grew out of my work with clients as a copywriter
When I worked with clients, I often would ask, “Tell me three success stories. How did you work with clients to help them reach their goals?” What was your role? Where were they at the beginning”
This question helped us craft a brand, strengthen a message and write the copy, especially for a website
Storytelling became the big kahuna of the marketing world.
Suddenly every marketing coach was urging, “Tell a story. Make it a personal story. Be vulnerable.”
As a copywriter, I knew that was horrible advice.
Many people have personal stories they should share only with their therapist and their lawyer. Some people have stories that are just plain boring. (“I kind of fell into what I was doing…”)
Yet all these coaches were jumping up and down and screaming, “Yes! Tell that story.” Some even said, “If you don’t have a story, make one up.” (Don’t ask how much they charged for that advice.)
This was pure BS.
I have a Ph.D. in business. I studied consumer psychology. And I knew that people put on a different set of ears for business stories, compared to the way they listened to a set of friends at a bar or classmates at a college reunion.
As a copywriter, I knew that every word on a page has to work hard to make sales. So it seemed logical to say that every story has to work hard to support your goals.
We know certain phrases and words work better than others. So do certain stories.
What I’ve done is identify stories that accomplish your purpose as a business owner. You can read about these stories in my book, Grow your business one story at a time. You’ll discover how stories help explain what you do, help you stand out in the crowd, and get your message out.
I’ve also identified stories that help build your brand from the ground up. You can get a free report that explains how this works. Just click here.
And I’ve identified 3 types of stories you use to buildd your business. They’re in the background, not shared with your audience. Learn about them in my blog post or podcast episode.
A story-based consultation can transform your business very quickly.
Typical consultations begin with…
“My website isn’t bringing me clients. What do I need to change?”
“I’ve been working with individuals and families. Now I’m coaching the coaches who will work with the directly.
Another client had been working with individuals and families directly. Now she was changing her direction to coach other coaches. She needed to reposition and rebrand, which called for finding a new story.
Read more testimonials on this page.
Not ready for a consultation?
Check out my DIY video-based courses here.
Questions? Start the conversation here.
Spent 20+ years as a marketing professor and researcher in university business schools. Lived all over North America, including Alaska and Canada. Working out, classical and classical C&W music, WNBA (Go Storm!), stand-up comedy (performer), and murder mysteries (reader). Currently live in Philadelphia, PA, with two high-maintenance cats who refuse to share their stories.
Get started here.
Discover how to use stories strategically to support your marketing with my book:
Grow Your Business One Story At A Time, available as an ebook on Amazon.
The Story Archetype framework gives your marketing a strong foundation.
Once you know your archetype, your marketing feels like water flowing downhill. Simpler. More realistic. More you.
If you book speakers, I’m always happy to give an engaging, informative presentation on marketing, copywriting, and/or storytelling. Learn more here.
If you’re a solopreneur or small business owner who wants to get more clients and sell more information products, I offer consultations and copywriting. Get started here.