How do you introduce yourself to new prospects? With a story, of course–but not just any story.
You want to convince them, “There’s a person behind the website.” And you want to show them you’re an expert. You need to show them you’re easy to work with. But is your origin story always the best way?
Nicole Kepic, a copywriter, was advised to introduce herself that way. She talked about her past experience with big companies in an agency. She had burned out on that job. Working with big clients in an agency environment took a huge toll.
This story did two things. It showed her expertise in the field. Let’s face it: most of us working online (including me) never worked for an agency. We just signed up for some training and worked our butts off.
And the story showed us Nicole was human. Who hasn’t burned out in a corporate job–or had a good friend who told us horror stories?
But here’s what the story doesn’t do.
It doesn’t show why we should hire Nicole. Burnout isn’t a job qualification.
It doesn’t show Nicole as an expert in her current job: writing for women entrepreneurs. Writing for big companies in an agency environment doesn’t always translate to copywriting for companies who might list their employee numbers as “1 – just me.”
It doesn’t show why Nicole is so passionate about what she does and why she cares. This is the real goal of an origin story. And most of your clients want to work with someone who’s got a passion for what she does. Who wants a bored, connect-the-dots copywriter?
I sensed Nicole had a better story waiting to be told. Her email stories are clever and fun to read.
But what’s the story you tell a *new* subscriber? Someone who doesn’t know you…maybe someone who signed up for your ezine as a first step to hiring you for bigger things?
That’s what we explore in this highly informal episode of the Strategic Storytelling podcast. You’ll get a sense of how to tell your story to someone who doesn’t know you — but who could be your next best client.
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