You know what happens when someone tries to make a joke and it falls flat … an awkward silence as everyone tries to figure out if they ought to be laughing? If you spend some time in comedy clubs, you’ll see it happen a lot.
Sometimes the punch line is weak.
But sometimes there’s nothing wrong with the punch line. It’s the set-up that’s missing. You have no context to appreciate the joke. (“Oh, I forgot to say, we were doing it at Wal-Mart…”)
Once I was invited to promote a new product. The call to action – the punch line – was great. The marketer made several promises, such as “the most amazing piece of software for [this application] you’ve ever seen.” They even promised it would “change online business forever.”
I’d love to promote this software because the marketers are solid and deliver good products. But I’m not sure just what I’m supposed to be promoting. It’s software, but is it a WordPress plugin or a cloud application? What do you need to make it work?
The marketers have figured out the punch line – the benefits – but they haven’t set up the scene. It’s a very common mistake, even among veterans.
Think how many times you’ve read promises to take your life, business and/or relationship to the next level (whatever that means). Think about how often you’re encouraged to explain your business in terms of benefits but not identify your title.
So you promise, “My program will reduce stress. Guaranteed.”
Today especially people want to peek behind the curtain and see what makes the service work. They don’t need to walk through the whole process but they’d like to know (before they pay) if they’ll be doing yoga head stands, inhaling soothing aromas, or calling a coach every week.
If you’d like some help describing your own services, let’s set up a consultation. Click here to learn more about the 90-minute risk-free consultation. Or click here to ask about the best way we might work together to help your business grow.
Want to learn more about how to gain credibility with your audience when you make a promise — even when the promise seems too good to be true. Free training, recorded live. Click here to join.