If you’ve been in business any amount of time, you’ve probably been encouraged to think of creating your own course. Have you been thinking about creating an online course? or perhaps adding a new one?
As a former university professor and creator of over 50 online courses, I’ve discovered that copywriting can help you develop a successful course you will enjoy teaching.
==> Check out the Strategic Storytelling podcast episode on creating your course by beginning with a story.
Cllck here to listen.
(1) Your course title functions like a headline: motivating curiosity, demonstrating the value, and above all, describing the course with complete accuracy.
Choose a title that’s unambiguous and that fits into a category. Universities group courses into departments, even when they have to stretch to make them fit. Some courses seem to be misplaced. In particular, a computer system course could get caught between Engineering and Information Systems.
When an “expert” claims that your course title isn’t important, find another expert.
(2) Your module title functions like a bullet point: promising a benefit and raising curiosity.
Successful courses often include steps (“step by step to…”) with one module per step. When you’re marketing your course, students will look at the names of the modules when deciding whether to buy.
When you name your modules before you fill them with content, your course will be market-ready and your sales copy will practically write itself.
(3) Your sales letter draft helps you diagnose your course’s profitability picture.
Even if you’re using a platform (such as Udemy) that doesn’t call for a sales letter, you’ll get a sense of whether the course should be a “go.” You’ll recognize the gaps in your understanding of the topic and your market. You may need to add more content or change your existing course content
You can learn how to create your course here: 5 Steps To Creating Your Profitable Online Course
Use the coupon code COURSE30 for a 39% discount.
Are you a busy business owner – you’ve got a lot of knowledge and a following of clients and subscribers? You’re ready to create a course but you don’t want to go through a course or group. You want one-to-one support with someone who can help with the heavy lifting to package your knowledge into a course.
For you…I’ve created a new program. – one-to-one – and we can probably get the course done in 6 weeks, if you can contribute actively. I’ll work with you to develop your course It’s currently on a special introductory price. Click here to learn more.