Some time ago I was attending a networking event — one of those venues where we had to go around the room and introduce ourselves. Most of us had been coached to say something like, “You know how people get stuck in debt and can’t seem to break free? And you know how families can be torn apart over money? Well, I have a process that can solve your financial woes in just two weeks.”
Yeah, right.
Then it was Marilyn’s turn.
Marilyn kept her speech short. She said very simply, “This one client who had massive credit card debt when we started. She didn’t know how she was going to pay off her bills, let alone fix her credit rating and become a homeowner. After a year of coaching with me, she’s debt-free and just last week she closed on her dream home.”
Everybody woke up and most of us asked for Marilyn’s card — even me, and I was already a homeowner. We either needed her help or we knew someone who did.
Marilyn had cut through the clutter, noise and boredom of a typical gathering of business owners. She did this by telling a short, deceptively simple story.
Marilyn’s story fits into the category of success story – a story about one of her clients, not about her own experiences. But she can use this story on her About Page as well.
In fact, Marilyn probably has a collection of stories about her business success. These stories not only help her connect with clients, but also help her answer two key questions that explain how she uniquely serves her market.
Stories help answer a key question for your positioning: What do you whisper?
We’ve heard of the “dog whisperer,” “horse whisperer,” and other whisperers. What are you the whisperer of? Marilyn could be called a “money whisperer,” but it’s more helpful to be specific.
Call her the “debt reduction” whisperer. She can look at a set of bank statements and bills and see money flows.
When you’re a whisperer, you’ve got lots of strong stories.
Marilyn’s story comes from my book, Grow Your Business One Story At A Time. It’s a kindle book on Amazon — but you don’t need a kindle to read it.
FREE – 17 Ways To Use Stories To Grow Your Business.
Do you have a good story to share at networking events? Maybe your current story could be stronger, or you’ve just pivoted your business, or you’ve grown out of your old story. Let’s start with a consultation.
Your About Page might be the best place for you to clearly state what makes you different from your competitors.
Absolutely! That is a main goal of the About Page.