Guest Post By Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero, Expert Copywriting Strategist
Recently I was talking to some business coaches who said they had no use for fan pages. I was curious, since so many experienced Internet marketers are using them. Could they all be wrong? So I was pleased to see this article by my own copywriting mentor, Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero. And I recommend her recent guidebook on writing good copy, fast:
When we start out on FaceBook we usually start a “personal profile.” We find friends from high school, college, past jobs, relatives, neighbors…the list is endless of who turns up there.
Those of us who also use FaceBook as a business presence run into a problem with we reach the magic number of 5,000 friends. There is no limit to friends on a “fan page.” Those of us with lists of 20,000+ subscribers get a little cheated. [Read more…] about Guest Post: Why You Need A Facebook Fan Page