Pamela Bruner is an internationally known business coach who creates a synergy of solid marketing with EFT principles. Here are some ideas she is graciously sharing with us:
The Information Con Game by Pamela Bruner
It used to be that information was scarce. You had to go to a library, or pay a researcher, to discover the nuggets of gold that you needed to know.
Now ‘Google’ is a verb, as in ‘I’ll google that to find the answer.’ My 73-year old mother has figured out she can type in ‘How do I ___?’ and google will give her not just one, but 173,234,432 answers.
Because information was so scarce, in the old days (say before 1995) it was treated as precious. If you went to the trouble to get information, you treated it as valuable, and you made use of it. Now information is easy to come by. That would seem to be great, but it’s led to a new problem that I call the Information Con Game.
If you believe that information is as valuable as implementation, you’re conning yourself.
If you believe that information = transformation, you’re conning yourself.
Let me be clear – It’s not that others are conning you about information. If someone says, ‘I’ll show you how to make $50,000 in the next three months,” they may very well be telling the truth. (My clients have done this, so I know it’s possible.) But knowing HOW it was done (the information) is not the same as doing it (the implementation and transformation.)
Information is cheap. In order to implement the information, you need many skills that are unrelated to the information, such as perseverance, courage, and a willingness to act. You need tools to overcome what stops you. EFT Tapping is one tool that can help. There are others. But getting the success skills that you need is essential.
If you have the information that you need, don’t con yourself by seeking out more information. That’s an avoidance technique. It’s a great way to avoid taking action, to avoid doing the really scary stuff like putting yourself out there. Instead, find something that will give you the skills that you need to act. Focus on implementation.
Information won’t bring transformation. Only taking action can do that.
Well said! To learn more about Pamela Bruner, author of this article, visit her website.
This is actually a really important fact to keep in mind when you create your own programs and products — “Information won’t bring transformation. Only taking action can do that. ” We need to make sure that those who purchase our programs actually get the support they need to put our advice into action. It is only then that they will experience the results that you want for them.
And when looking for advice or to purchase a new program, look for the piece that helps insure that you will actually implement what is taught. This will help ensure that you get what you pay for.